Anima Fine: a new line, a life-long journey.

Anima is “soul” in Italian, that is the very core of life, what we leave of us when we walk away, what is left to us by whom we loved. Fine is “light, discreet, weightless”. Anima Fine is, in a single concept, essence and essentiality, character and simplicity. Wear in order not to be dressed. Anima Fine is any woman who can wear simple, beautiful pieces of garment through her individuality infusing new life and character in them.

The journey of this light soul, of Anima Fine, is dated back to my childhood, my frequent travelling and my dogs. My love for the best fabrics and rags to make clothes and outfits for my dolls as a little girl. My love for traveling with many suitcases and big bags, and still, never able to have everything I needed while away from home. Traveling aimed at discovering, at fueling passion, at living love, at bearing losses. Always with IKI, my dog at my side. Istanbul, Paris, New York, Miami, everywhere together with my dog: hence the necessity to pack lightly but with the essential items I would need, for the planned and the unexpected. Traveling and searching, all my life. After long faltering around for long, the quest was eventually over as the soul found the place it belongs to, finally: myself. Myself as the starting point, myself as the only real certainty.

This awareness has shown through to encompass the outer appearance, lavishing that self-confidence through the way I dress. Simple, light, right everywhere, yet precious and vibrant as a quest for one’s soul. So Anima Fine has taken shape, to express the need for essence and essentiality, of simplicity and quality: a line made of a handful of styles. They can be combined together while each style features in itself manifold ways to be worn: feeling perfect no matter the situation. Quality and precious materials, results of long research and selection, are woven together through the exquisite Italian manufacturing.

This is Anima Fine, in few words. I dedicate this line to my beautiful companion, my beloved dog Iki: her tiny paw is seal of pure love. I also dedicate it to any woman who has loved, suffered and finally found herself gaining self-confidence and joy because of the person she is today; to any woman who has dared to reinvent herself, to preserve herself, to free herself from outer expectations, to make her own life simpler and brighter.